
    apppowerThe phone application showcaseTHENEXT APPThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine.      Apppower Media is a full service digital agency based near Reading at the centre of the thriving Thames Valley commercial hub.For the last ten years our hugely talented team has brought brands and consumers together through innovative and inspiring digital communications. Because at its heart, great digital is delivered by great people. Our core belief is that people thrive when they’re empowered to fulfil their potential.By fostering creative personal development across the whole of our business we have built a team of high-performing, talented individuals, driven by passion and a desire to build industry-leading digital for our clients.The digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi et dui vitae magna semper ullamcorper id eget neque. Sed dictum, elit in scelerisque elementum, orci ligula porttitor lectus, ac elementum nunc erat.150companies have chosen us!WELCOMESCREENThe important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. ❝❞ABOUT US     OUR SKILLSBRANDINGPRINTINGMARKETINGDESIGNINGDREAMINGBrandingSwissRock Media is a full service digital agency based near Reading at the centre of the thriving Thames Valley commercial hub.PrintingSwissRock Media is a full service digital agency based near Reading at the centre of the thriving Thames Valley commercial hub.MarketingSwissRock Media is a full service digital agency based near Reading at the centre of the thriving Thames Valley commercial hub.DesigningSwissRock Media is a full service digital agency based near Reading at the centre of the thriving Thames Valley commercial hub.DreamingSwissRock Media is a full service digital agency based near Reading at the centre of the thriving Thames Valley commercial hub.Apppower Media is a full service digital agency based near Reading at the centre of the thriving Thames Valley commercial hub.45%55%85%65%99%ABOUT US     The digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine. MIKE DOEThe EngineerThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine. JANNY DOEThe DesignerThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine. JOHNNY ZEROThe Lead DesignerThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine. JANE DOEThe Copywriter``aKEY PEOPLE     SIX MOREDESIGNERS ONTHIS PROJECTThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine. THE TEAM     THE FUTURE IS IN YOUR HANDThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine. THE FUTURE     WELCOMESCREENThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine. BrandingSwissRock Media is a full service digital agency based near Reading at the centre of the thriving Thames Valley commercial hub.PrintingSwissRock Media is a full service digital agency based near Reading at the centre of the thriving Thames Valley commercial hub.MarketingSwissRock Media is a full service digital agency based near Reading at the centre of the thriving Thames Valley commercial hub.WELCOME     The digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. POWERéThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. INFORMATIONThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. SPEAKERSThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. MAPSThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. TIMELINEKThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. ABOUT USFEATURES     The digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. 01The digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team.. 02FEATURES     The digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. 01The digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. 02The digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. 03FEATURES     THE X-FACTOROf THIS APPThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine. THE X-FACTOR     STABLE AND RELIABLECONSISTENT WITH THE PLATFORMLOADS FASTNO ADSPROVIDES WORTHY FUNCTIONALITYDYNAMICTIMELINEThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine. FEATURES     FEATURESSTABLE AND RELIABLECONSISTENT WITH THE PLATFORMLOADS FASTNO ADSPROVIDES WORTHY FUNCTIONALITYDYNAMICTIMELINEThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine.     The digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine. The digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine. SHARING IS CARING     OTHER SCREENSWELCOMESCREENThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment.WELCOMESCREENThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment.WELCOMESCREENThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment.     SKETCHThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine. FINAL RESULTThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine. DEVELOPMENT     DESIGN TIMELINEAwesome!Best Work!     DESIGN TIMELINEKey Ideas!ComingSoon!     POPULARAPPLICATIONThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine. 20052006200720082009201220%30%50%85%65%99%THE GRAPH     THE GRAPH58,00045,63035,56020,00512,0258,9005,663DAILYDOWNLOADThe digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine.     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla feugiatbibendum porttitor. Aenean consectetur dignissim sapien, ut imperdiet urna tristique vel. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultricesposuere cubilia Curae; Etiam mi lorem, luctus vitae vestibulum feugia. ABOUT THE PROJECT99%Says the lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.IMPORTANT FACTSTHE GRAPH     The digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving, dynamic working environment. We encourage debate, ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to excellence and with that, we can make your vision shine. SHOWREEL     ADDRESS :Long Beach 123, My CityUnited StatesPHONE :+1234 567 890EMAIL :youremail@myemail.comWWW :Mywebsite.com5KEEP IN TOUCH!FIND USCONTACT

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