
    建筑设计方案汇报ARCHITECTURE DESIGN PLAN REPORT     Project an image of profession and reliability. By using simple alignments we have created a very spacious feeling. The simplicity suggests strength.This letterhead design is meant to project an image of professionalism and reliability. By using simple alignments we have created a very spacious feeling. The simplicity suggests strength and the spaciousness.2项目介绍方案效果图展示项目预算方案工程图展示01020304     This letterhead design is meant to project an image of professionalism and reliability. By using simple alignments we have created a very spacious feeling. The simplicity suggests strength and the spaciousness contributes to the aesthetics of the layout. These basic qualities along with the (Your Company) colors,项目介绍     项目介绍Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lacus nulla ac netus nibh aliquet, porttitor ligula justo libero vivamus porttitor dolor, conubia mollit. Sapien nam suspendisse, tincidunt eget ante tincidunt, eros in auctor fringilla praesent at diam. In et quam est eget mi. Pellentesque nunc orci eu enim, eget in fringilla vitae, et eros praesent dolor porttitor. Lacinia lectus nonummy, accumsan mauris in sed justo magnis, dictum justo lorem ac quis. A venenatis, velit integer vivamus facilisi feugiat a per, hac a sit, wisi non, wisi ultrices vel sit curae consequat. A magna metus velit semper. Odio vel sit placerat libero. Malesuada proin tortor penatibus dolor, sapien etiam turpis wisi ut tortor ut, turpis turpis tempus non lectus euultrices vel sit curae consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lacus nulla ac netus nibh aliquet, porttitor ligula justo libero vivamus porttitor dolor, conubia mollit. Sapien nam suspendisse, tincidunt eget ante tincidunt, eros in auctor fringilla praesent at diam. In et quam est eget mi. Pellentesque nunc orci eu enim, eget in fringilla vitae, et eros praesent dolor porttitor. Lacinia lectus nonummy, accumsan mauris in sed justo magnis, dictum justo lorem ac quis. A venenatis, velit integer vivamus facilisi feugiat a per, hac a sit, wisi non, wisi ultrices vel sit curae consequat. A magna metus velit semper. Odio vel sit placerat libero. Malesuada proin tortor penatibus dolor, sapien etiam turpis wisi ut tortor ut, turpis turpis tempus non lectus euultrices vel sit curae consequat.     This letterhead design is meant to project an image of profession and reliability. By using simple alignments we have created a very spacious feeling. The simplicity suggests strength and the spaciousness contribute.CREATIVITYTAKEScourage项目介绍PROJECT INTRO     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data.6JOHN DOEPost TitleROSENA JR.Post Title本工程项目拟建于嘉峪关市嘉东工业园区内,东侧为锦城路,北侧为新鹏路,西侧为绣城路。项目用地长246.7米,宽177米,呈多边形。总用地面积43318平方米。JOHN HARRIPost TitleJAKIYA POPEPost Title本工程项目拟建于嘉峪关市嘉东工业园区内,东侧为锦城路,北侧为新鹏路,西侧为绣城路。项目用地长246.7米,宽177米,呈多边形。总用地面积43318平方米。本工程项目拟建于嘉峪关市嘉东工业园区内,东侧为锦城路,北侧为新鹏路,西侧为绣城路。项目用地长246.7米,宽177米,呈多边形。总用地面积43318平方米。本工程项目拟建于嘉峪关市嘉东工业园区内,东侧为锦城路,北侧为新鹏路,西侧为绣城路。项目用地长246.7米,宽177米,呈多边形。总用地面积43318平方米。项目介绍     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data.7This letterhead design is meant to project an image of profession and reliability This letterhead this.JOHN MICHAELChiefEXECUTIVEOFFICERProfessionalism and reliability. By using simple alignments we have created a very spacious feeling. The simplicity suggests strength and the spaciousnes contributes to the aesthetics of the layout. These basic qualities along with the (Your Company) colours,SHORT PROFILE:Working Skills:AiPSDHTMLPHPWPSOCIAL MEDIA:项目介绍     This letterhead design is meant to project an image of professionalism and reliability. By using simple alignments we have created a very spacious feeling. The simplicity suggests strength and the spaciousness contributes to the aesthetics of the layout. These basic qualities.项目介绍     This letterhead design is meant to project an image of professionalism and reliability. By using simple alignments we have created a very spacious feeling. The simplicity suggests strength and the spaciousness contributes to the aesthetics of the layout. These basic qualities along with the (Your Company) colors,项目预算     项目预算Nulla Netus Nibh Aliquet Porttitor Ligula JustoLacus Nulla本工程生活及消防给水接自区域南侧生活水管道,管网供水压力为0.35MPa。接管管径为DN100。给水干管沿厂区主要道路成环敷设,在本工程区域内间隔120米处设1套室外地下式消火栓。排水系统采用污废合流制排水。采暖系统:本工程生活及消防给水接自区域南侧生活水管道,管网供水压力为0.35MPa。接管管径为DN100。给水干管沿厂区主要道路成环敷设,在本工程区域内间隔120米处设1套室外地下式消火栓。排水系统采用污废合流制排水。采暖系统:     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data lorem ipsum.11项目预算25%75%10%90%45%65%Fact oneFact twoSERVICES TEXT TITLEThis letterhead design is meant to project an image of professional and reliability. By using simple alignments.Fact oneFact twoSERVICES TEXT TITLEThis letterhead design is meant to project an image of professional and reliability. By using simple alignments.Fact oneFact twoSERVICES TEXT TITLEThis letterhead design is meant to project an image of professional and reliability. By using simple alignments.     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data.12This letterhead design is meant to project an image of professionalism and reliability. By using simple alignments we have created a very spacious feeling. The simplicity suggests strength and the spaciousness contributes. This letterhead design is meant to project an image of professionalism and reliability. By using simple alignments we have created a very spacious feeling. The simplicity suggests strength and the spaciousness contributes.LOREM IPSUMDOLOR SIT AMETAMOUNTThis letterheadDesign is meantProject an imageThis letterheadDesign is meantProject an image651,50110,24010,0000项目预算     在此输入标题it’s about creating the tools so people take action从图中,可以看出环境品质较好的是滨河的东边和北面,所谓仁者悦山,智者悦水,人们对水的追求是一种天性,亲水性使得人们更愿意泽水而居,东边的盐河是高邮新城区的主要河流,盐河两岸也是高邮市重点打造的滨水景观带,其对于人居环境的塑造,新城形象展示具有很重要的地位,环境品质较差的为西面和南边,西面跟城市干道相邻,有一定的噪音和视线污染,南边加油站空间景观较差。在此输入副标题     This letterhead design is meant to project an image of professionalism and reliability. By using simple alignments we have created a very spacious feeling. The simplicity suggests strength and the spaciousness contributes.效果图展示     效果图展示This letterhead design is meant to project an image of profession.This letterhead design is meant to project an image of profession.This letterhead design is meant to project an image of profession.This letterhead design is meant to project an image of profession.     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data.16效果图展示功能分析(颜色说明)两栋高层住宅南北布置,既无日照间距顾虑,又保证了高层住宅的通透性,三层商业结合住宅沿地块环绕布置,形成具有领域感和归属感的社区环境。功能分析(颜色说明)两栋高层住宅南北布置,既无日照间距顾虑,又保证了高层住宅的通透性,三层商业结合住宅沿地块环绕布置,形成具有领域感和归属感的社区环境。功能分析(颜色说明)两栋高层住宅南北布置,既无日照间距顾虑,又保证了高层住宅的通透性,三层商业结合住宅沿地块环绕布置,形成具有领域感和归属感的社区环境。功能分析(颜色说明)两栋高层住宅南北布置,既无日照间距顾虑,又保证了高层住宅的通透性,三层商业结合住宅沿地块环绕布置,形成具有领域感和归属感的社区环境。     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data.17122This letterhead design is meant to project an image of profession.This letterhead design is meant to project an image of profession.This letterhead design is meant to project an image of profession.效果图展示     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data.18This letterhead design is meant to project an image of profession.This letterhead design is meant to project an image of profession.效果图展示     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data.19效果图展示     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data.20123This letterhead design is meant to project an image of profession.This letterhead design is meant to project an image of profession.This letterhead design is meant to project an image of profession.效果图展示     This letterhead design is meant to project an image of professionalism and reliability. By using simple alignments we have created a very spacious feeling. The simplicity suggests strength and the spaciousnes contributes to the aesthetics of the layout. These basic qualities along with the (Your Company) colours, are consistent with the overall look and helps to reinforce the (Your Company) brand.施工图展示     第一轮跟第二轮对比,第二轮改造重点是在东侧,北侧增加了商业设计,从整体布局上来看,打破了第一轮单调呆板的布局,增加了商业整体沿街面的连续性。从景观利用上看,滨水区是重要的城市开放公共空间,设置商业可以充分发挥盐河景观价值,打造风景优美的商业步行街,满足住户生活,休闲娱乐需求。第三轮改进主要是打开了小区入口,使其跟南北两栋住宅呈对称布局,将小区景观与城市景观有机融合,整体规划形成凹字形布局。布局形式对比传统布局方式为平行直线排列,本案则采用南偏西的排列方式,通过图示,可以直观看到传统布局:1,建筑锐角对着城市干道,有视觉压迫感,城市形象展示面差 2,小区内部绿化面积较少,商业不规整,利用率低,本案布局排列方式则巧妙地规避了传统布局的缺点,城市形象展示面好,中心景观最大化,商业规整利用率相对较高。AboutStory     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agam facer modo data.施工图展示     This letterhead design is meant to project an image of professionalism and reliability. By using simple alignments we have created a very spacious feeling.施工图展示     THANK YOU FOR WATCHING

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